Vacasa Owner Library

Everything you need to know about working with Vacasa.
Property manager learning more about Vacasa's Marketing and Booking service online

Where to get help

Your online account is your one-stop shop for your local manager’s contact info, your statements, your calendar, and all other details about your home. If you’re having trouble logging in, call 971-254-3001.

Getting started with Vacasa

Learn what to expect during your first few months with Vacasa, from preparing your home for guests to getting your first statement.

Read the Guide

Take a quick tour of your online account: manage your calendar, access your statements, and sign up for direct deposit.

Check Out the Online Account

Put the essentials of your online account in the palm of your hand. Our Homeowner mobile app lets you manage your calendar, book your own vacation time, get instant notifications about new bookings, and more—all from your phone.

See What's Inside

Our comprehensive checklist covers essential amenities for all Vacasa homes, recommended amenities to elevate your guest experience, and items we suggest removing.

Get the Checklist

Don’t lose sleep over fresh linens—we’ll supply your home with high-quality sheets and towels, including replacements whenever needed.

Learn about Linens

Smart home tech delivers more security, more control, and more peace of mind—all 100% free.

Read about Smart Home

Find answers to common questions from homeowners like you.

Browse the FAQ

Finance and legal

We make it easy to update your information, access your statements, and download your year-end data. It all starts in your online account.

Learn about Finances

Every Vacasa homeowner has the option to enroll in the Accommodation Protection Program: supplemental protection tailor-made for vacation rental homes. Learn about insurance requirements, and how to opt out of Accommodation Protection if you have alternate coverage.

Read the Guide

Even on the best of days, the tax rules applicable to short-term rentals can seem overwhelming and confusing. That's why we prepared 8 tax deductible vacation rental expenses for Vacasa homeowners.

Read the Guide

Home care

Your home is in very good hands. We invest in recruiting, training, and supporting the best housekeeping staff in the industry.

Learn All about Housekeeping

Your Vacasa management service includes most preventative and minor maintenance for your home.

Learn about Preventative Maintenance

Keeping your home and guests safe is our top priority, and we have thorough policies in place to address guest screening, security cameras, and safety equipment.

Read All about Safety and Security

Your guests receive attentive, around-the-clock care—from booking a reservation to leaving a five-star review.

Geek Out on Guest Experience

Spread the word. Earn even more.

Know a vacation rental owner who could benefit from great property management?
Refer them to Vacasa—you could each receive a reward.

Revenue optimization

Our pricing platform sets the best price at the right time, and our dedicated analysts constantly monitor occupancy and pacing to ensure your home’s optimal performance.

Dive into Dynamic Pricing

Digital marketing is the key to filling your reservation calendar—and Vacasa’s robust marketing strategy is among the most successful in the industry.

Discover More about Digital Marketing

Not all minimum stays are bad, but we recommend letting our pricing tools apply them rather than setting your own.

Learn about Minimum Stays

Let’s debunk a couple common myths about minimum rates—and explain the surprising ways they might be undermining your vacation rental’s success.

Read Up on Minimum Rates

Allowing dogs can significantly increase your earnings, especially in the off-season. We recommend it for most markets.

Dig into Going Pet-Friendly

These amenities will help your home show up in search results, stand out from the crowd, and earn five-star reviews.

Get Our Data-Driven Recommendations

We actively solicit positive reviews, respond to negative ones, and work with you to address concerns that may lower your guest ratings—and earning potential.

Read All about Reviews

Explore the benefits of flexible multi-home vacation rentals, and our strategy for maximizing their revenue.

See If Your Home Qualifies

Real estate

If you’re looking to expand your portfolio of vacation rental homes, our dedicated real estate team is here for you.

Learn about Buying with Vacasa

If you’re considering selling your Vacasa-managed home, let us help make the transition smooth and hassle-free.

Learn about Selling with Vacasa

California licenses
Vacasa Seasonals Inc.
California DRE #02160171

Vacation Palm Springs Real Estate, Inc.
California DRE #01523013

Vacasa offers property management and other real estate services directly through Vacasa LLC and through Vacasa LLC's licensed subsidiaries. Click here for more information about Vacasa's licensed real estate brokerage/property manager in your state. Vacasa’s licensed real estate brokerages/property managers include: Vacasa Alabama LLC; Vacasa Arizona LLC; Vacasa of Arkansas LLC; Vacasa Colorado LLC (Micah Victory); Vacasa Delaware LLC, 302-541-8999; Vacasa Florida LLC; Vacasa Illinois LLC 481.014072, Micah Victory Managing Broker Lic# 471.021837; Vacasa Louisiana LLC, Dana MacCord, Principal Broker, ph 504.252.0155 (Licensed in LA); Vacasa Michigan LLC, 602-330-9934; Vacasa Missouri LLC, Vicki Lyn Brown, Designated Broker; Vacasa Nevada LLC; Vacasa New Hampshire LLC,45 NH-25, Meredith, NH 03253, Susan Scanlon, Broker of Record; Vacasa Minnesota, Broker: Micah Victory, license #40877637; Vacasa New Mexico LLC, 503-345-9399; Vacasa New York LLC, 888-433-0068, Susan Scanlon, Real Estate Broker; Vacasa North Carolina LLC; Vacasa Oregon LLC; Vacasa Pennsylvania LLC; Vacation Palm Springs Real Estate, Inc., California DRE #01523013, Mark Graham, California DRE #00700720; Vacasa Real Estate LLC (licensed in Texas, Debra Brock, Designated Broker); Vacasa Real Estate LLC (licensed in Washington, Robert Brush, Designated Broker); Vacasa Seasonals Inc., California DRE #02160171, Lisa Renee Stevens, California DRE #01485234; Vacasa South Carolina LLC; Vacasa South Dakota LLC; Vacasa Tennessee LLC; Vacasa Vacation Rentals of Hawaii LLC, 69-201 Waikoloa Beach Dr. Ste. #2F17, Waikoloa, HI 96738; Vacasa Vacation Rentals of Montana LLC, Terah M. Young, Licensed Property Manager; Vacasa Virginia LLC; Vacasa Wisconsin LLC; Vacasa Wyoming LLC. In Canada, this advertisement is provided by Vacasa Canada ULC, CPBC lic. number 75826, 172 Asher Rd. V1X 3H6 Kelowna, BC.