How we helped one homeowner rent with ease—from 17+ hours away


The challenge

When Jon T., a West Virginia native, began looking for vacation rentals in Florida, he faced a logistical dilemma: How would he successfully manage his property from 17 and a half hours away?

The (hands-off) solution

Once he bought his new home, Jon started emailing property management companies in Panama City Beach—and Vacasa was the first to respond. Jon was looking for an organized and performance-driven partner that would allow him to be hands-off with his investment, and he loved the fact that we were proactive, professional, and responsive. “I emailed Vacasa at 9 o’clock at night. By 10 o’clock, I received a reply from Keely, our Vacasa rep, saying, ‘I know it’s late, but I’ll call you first thing tomorrow.’ And sure enough, she did.”

Right away, Jon knew he had a special team on his hands. “My local team is amazing—especially my manager, Keely. She met me at settlement and gave me all the information I needed to make an educated decision. From the very beginning, things fell right into place, and we worked really well together.”

Jon was impressed with how seamless set-up was, even from afar. “My condo was a brand-new purchase, so it was empty. Keely went above and beyond to get the place ready to rent before the peak season. She even helped me get the furniture delivered, get the condo decorated, and make it functional for our guests. She played an integral part—I barely had to do a thing.”

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The results

Despite living a thousand miles away, Jon can rest easy knowing his investment is in expert hands. “Because I’m so far away, peace of mind has value—and Vacasa provides that. Giving the control to such capable people has been great. It just goes: there’s money in the bank, I’m not bombarded with phone calls, and I don’t spend time worrying about my home.”

Our local teams have helped Jon maintain his peace of mind, even in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael. “When I heard the news [about the hurricane], I was getting ready to purchase a flight to check on everything and make sure my unit was dry. But then, out of the blue, I got a call from Keely. She was in my unit calling to reassure me that, although there was some water that had come through the front door, she was going to clean it up, turn on my air conditioner, and reset my fuse. I didn’t have to worry about traveling down there after all.”

Jon’s favorite thing about Vacasa is far and away our local presence. “Keely and her team have done everything they said and more. They take care of every little problem, and Keely is always available to answer my questions. She is our savior down there in Florida.”

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Because I’m so far away, peace of mind has value—and Vacasa provides that. Giving the control to such capable people has been great.
Jon T., homeowner

With our help, Jon also achieves high levels of financial success. Last year, he made over $19,830 in rental income on his condo, and he maintained a staggering 78% occupancy rate. Jon also loves our comprehensive pricing structure. “The flat fee is amazing. I know exactly what I’m getting with Vacasa—I don’t get nickel-and-dimed. In the end, I get to keep more of my money.”

Jon is so thrilled with his results, he and his wife are looking to purchase another property in Panama City Beach. “I’m probably Vacasa’s biggest fan,” Jon says. “Each year I refer between six and twelve people. That’s how much I love Vacasa.”

The opinions and experiences in this article represent the author’s viewpoint and do not necessarily reflect Vacasa policies.

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Vacation Palm Springs Real Estate, Inc.
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